Kairos System

Website for Kairos System, the company provides solar panel installation services for clients around the world.
The customer asked to create a corporate website. One of the nuances is that the website was needed very urgently as part of a presentation for a potential client of the company.

I had exactly 10 days to conduct a competitor analysis, form a structure, make a design and layout it on Webflow. And I did it :)
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Сompetitive analysis showed that such sites are often overloaded - it is difficult to navigate and find the necessary information.

Therefore, the main task and request of the client was to make “easy” website with a clear structure and airy design.

The target audience is owners of large businesses, CEOs, and representatives of government agencies. Therefore, the design was made as laconic, business-like, strict and trustworthy as possible.
A secondary goal of the site was to create a space for posting vacancies.

I have created a separate page where you can view open vacancies and apply easily and conveniently.